Humana Medicare Supplement Insurance: Comprehensive Coverage for Your Healthcare Needs

If you’re enrolled in Original Medicare – Part A and Part B, then probably you’re looking at other sources of additional coverage that will help whereby to reduce your out-of-pocket costs. And with that said, the first source we’re going to look into is Medicare Supplement insurance also known as Medigap. Humana is one of the country’s leading health insurance providers, and offers a variety of different Humana Medicare Supplement plans in order to help fill in the gaps of the coverage that your Medicare provides. In this article, we’ll discuss the key features, pros and cons, plan options, costs, and customer experience of Humana Medicare Supplement insurance.

Medicare Supplement Insurance 101

Medicare Supplement insurance is intended for the sole purpose of supplementing by paying for your Original Medicare coverage certain out-of-pocket costs such as copayments, deductibles, and coinsurance. The Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS) standardized the basic benefits of each plan in such a way that regardless of the insurance company, a particular plan will cover the same basic benefits.

Many Medicare Supplement plans are made available by Humana, like Plan A, Plan B, Plan C, Plan F, Plan G, Plan L, and Plan N. But this doesn’t happen in the entire United States. Each of these plans come with varying levels of coverage and may include additional benefits other than those required by CMS. To better understand the advantages and disadvantages of a Humana Medicare Supplement plan, let’s discuss the following.

Pros of Humana Medicare Supplement Insurance

  1. Plan Options: Humana offers most Medicare Supplement plans, giving you a wide variety of plans to choose from that one plan that suits your needs best.
  2. Nationwide Coverage: No matter where in the United States of America you may be based, Humana has Medicare Supplement plans that ensure that this service is applicable in all the 50 states.
  3. Stability in Operations: Humana is a nationwide health insurance provider that has good credit ratings to strive for financial sustainability and a peace of mind.
  4. Customer Experience Recognition: Humana has been rated over the quality of customer experience, clarity in communication as well as pricing and customer service.
  5. Additional Perks: Some Humana Medicare Supplement plans also offer additional benefits such as dental care and vision care, fitness club memberships, and also prescription drug discounts.
  6. Applying Online: Humana’s simple and hassle-free online application process that allows you to conveniently apply for a Medicare Supplement plan right from your home.
  7. 24-Hour Nurse Hotline:  Avail of Humana’s 24-hour nurse hotline at any time if you need any medical advice or support at all.
  8. Intuitive Website: Humana has an easy-to-navigate site which offers great resources to understand the coverage options as well as the how-tos on care management.

Humana Medicare Supplement Insurance Cons

Customer Service Ratings
: While Humana earns high overall ratings for experiences people have with them, some express concern over the length of time it takes to deal with coverage issues and the number of representatives who must be spoken to in order to sort out problems.
: For the year 2019, Humana’s rates might be considered higher in some places compared to other insurers. You definitely need to take a look at the costs and the plan options to get the best deals you can.

Available Humana Medicare Supplement Plans

Humana has a Medicare Supplement plan from Plan A through to N. The 10 types of Standardized plans have varying levels of coverage and a combination of benefits. Here is a comprehensive breakdown of each plan and its coverage.

Plan A

Coverage includes Medicare Part B coinsurance, cost of blood transfusions, Part A hospice care coinsurance or copayments, and Part A deductible.

Plan B

Coverage includes all the benefits of Plan A and Part A deductible.

Plan C

Coverage includes all of the benefits of Plan B, plus up to 80% coverage for medical care outside the country and the Part B deductible. Please note that Plan C is only available to people who were eligible for Medicare before January 1, 2020.

Plan F

The benefits cover all that is provided in Plan C and also pay for Part B excess charges. Plan F also provides a plan with a high deductible hence providing lower premiums on the policy but the coverage begins only after the annual deductible is paid. Similar to Plan C, Plan F is only available to those who were new to Medicare before 2020.

Plan G

Coverage includes all the benefits of Plan F, except for coverage for Part B deductible. Plan G is a popular option for individuals seeking maximum coverage but are not eligible for Plan C or Plan F.

Plan L

The 75% coverage for most out-of-pocket costs after meeting the deductible. Plan L has lower monthly premiums as compared to some other plans.

Plan N

Coverage includes all the benefits of Plan A, but also has copayments for some doctor visits and emergency room visits. Plan N would be a great fit for people who want comprehensive coverage at a lower premium for the occasional use of health care services.

Please note that although the plans are similar, state availability for each of the plan can differ and not every one of Humana’s Medicare Supplement plans is available in all areas. To find out which are available where you live, use Humana’s online Medicare Supplement plan comparison tool or contact a licensed insurance agent in your area.

Humana Medicare Supplement Plans: What To Expect On Costs

The cost of Humana Medicare Supplement plans varies depending on a number of factors such as age, gender location, whether you choose preferred or standard rate, and which specific option you take. Humana offers preferred rates to people who apply during their open enrollment season and standard rates to those eligible to purchase a Medigap policy after the above period of 186 days elapses.

To give you a ballpark as what the regular current premium might come out to be, provided beneath are sample monthly premium amounts for several Humana Medicare Supplement plans available in various cities. Please be reminded that the sums may differ based on factors such as your age and gender, smoker status, and so forth.

Plan Alaska Virginia Colorado
Plan A $75-$203 $72-$948 $85-$330
Plan B $112-$294 $99-$269 $115-$273
Plan C $129-$332 $114-$333 $153-$385
Plan F $130-$333 $121-$334 $137-$404
High Deductible Plan F $29-$72 $24-$57 $32-$86
Plan G $99-$308 $85-$230 $114-$386
High Deductible Plan G $29-$45 $23-$57 $32-$65
Plan K $36-$94 $41-$112 $39-$146
Plan L $64-$165 $69-$188 $76-$180
Plan N $84-$288 $69-$273 $86-$292

It’s worth noting that Humana offers discounts that can help lower your monthly premium. The discounts include 5% off for households with more than one person enrolling, up to 39% off for enrolling as soon as you’re eligible for Medicare, and $2 off per month for paying premiums through automatic bank drafts.

You can get an accurate quote based on your specific profile by using Humana’s online search tool and entering information such as your age, gender, and ZIP code.

How to Make Enrolling Smooth

The process of enrolling in a Humana Medicare Supplement plan is simple. For the open enrollment period of Medicare, no medical underwriting is applied to those desiring enrolment in a plan between October 15 and December 7 of each year. This means that during this period, unlike other insurance providers, Humana may not deny your application or charge you higher premiums for preexisting conditions.

Most of the methods through which enrolment can be done with Humana include: Visit the website of Humana and, through doing its online application, it normally takes about 15 minutes to complete. The online application process allows you to give out each information needed within as little as 24 hours for you to be approved. Alternatively, you can contact a Humana representative by phone to apply for a plan.

The Humana Medicare Supplement Insurance Experience

Humana has an experience covering Medicare for a period of over 30 years where the company has shown operational strength and recognized customer experience that is proof of the emphasis they have on offering satisfaction to its customers. The company enjoys an A+ rating and accreditation with the Better Business Bureau, and has over time enjoyed good ratings in quality of experience, clear communication, price affordability transparency as well as in customer service.

At this point, it is important to note that all the other insurance companies’ Medicare Supplement plans are standardized thus all the other insurance companies offer similar basic benefits. In regard to this, Humana offers some added extras in its packages such as dental care, vision care, fitness club membership, and available prescription drug discounts.

As for financial stability, Humana has great credit ratings regarding strong ability to meet unsecured financial obligations and contracts. This serves as a point of stability since it will be in a position to pay its medical claims 80% which is quite a high amount for their Medicare Supplement plans.

Conclusion: Making an Informed Choice

Choosing the right Medicare Supplement insurance plan is an important decision that can make a big difference in your costs and level of covered care. Nationwide access, competitive rates, and additional coverage translate into real value with Humana’s range of Medicare Supplement plans.

If you are considering to get a Humana Medicare Supplement plan, it is important to look through the various plans available, as well as their features on coverage and costs. Searching for plans will help you get what you can afford and offers all health care you need.

Remember, Medicare Supplement insurance is designed to supplement your Original Medicare coverage so it is essential to have both Medicare Part A and Part B in order to be eligible for a Medicare Supplement plan. Given your coverage needs, also through an in-depth research as to the option available, you will come up with an informed decision and ensure that you are provided with optimum total coverage for your healthcare journey.

Get a Quote or call 1-800-123-4567 to speak with a licensed insurance agent and explore the Medicare Supplement plans offered by Humana.

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