“Unlocking the Hidden Power: How Bones Could Be Your Solid Allies in Fighting Diabetes”

The discovery of bone as an 
endocrine organ may pave 
the way for novel approaches 
to understanding, treating, 
and managing diabetes.


The Remarkable Role of Bones in Regulating Glucose Metabolism

In recent years, there has been a significant paradigm shift in our understanding of the skeletal system. No longer just a framework of bones, cartilage, and ligaments that provide support and mobility, bones have been reclassified as endocrine organs. They actively communicate with other organs and play a crucial role in various life processes, including glucose metabolism. This article explores the fascinating discoveries surrounding bones and their impact on insulin secretion, glucose absorption, and the management of type 2 diabetes.

1. The Emergence of Osteocalcin: A Bone Secreted Hormone

The key player in this bone-endocrine connection is a hormone called osteocalcin, specifically its undercarboxylated form. Osteocalcin is secreted during bone-cell remodeling and has been found to interact with the pancreas, promoting insulin secretion and improving glucose absorption.

2. Unraveling the Insulin-Bone Pathway

Top researchers, including Dr. Gerard Karsenty from Columbia University Medical Center, have been investigating the dynamics of the insulin-bone pathway. Their objective is to enhance this pathway through targeted therapeutic interventions to combat the global epidemic of type 2 diabetes. Osteocalcin has been shown to favor insulin secretion by pancreatic beta cells and enhance glucose uptake in muscle and possibly other tissues.

 3. The Role of Osteocalcin in Gluconeogenesis

Another function of osteocalcin is its impact on gluconeogenesis in the liver. Gluconeogenesis is a process where the liver produces additional glucose from non-carbohydrate sources. Osteocalcin helps balance blood glucose levels, preventing hypoglycemia caused by excessive insulin secretion. This feed-forward loop between osteoblasts (bone-forming cells) and pancreatic cells creates a finely tuned system for glucose homeostasis.

 4. Bones: Dynamic Organs with Multiple Roles

Bones are not simply static structures; they are dynamic organs constantly undergoing modeling and remodeling. Old bone cells are reabsorbed into the blood, while new bone cells replace them. The bone matrix consists of a calcium-rich intercellular structure, along with three types of cells: osteoblasts, osteoclasts, and osteocytes. Osteoblasts are responsible for bone formation, osteoclasts for bone resorption, and osteocytes are involved in sensory functions related to bone remodeling.

5. Osteocalcin: More Than a Marker for Bone Formation

Osteocalcin, once considered a marker for bone formation, has been revealed to have a broader endocrine function. It is one of the most abundant bone protein hormones in the intercellular bone matrix. Recent studies have shown that osteocalcin is involved in processes beyond bone physiology, such as the regulation of whole-body glucose metabolism, energy expenditure, aging, and cognitive abilities.

 6. The Insulin-Bone Loop

Research has uncovered an intricate loop involving insulin, osteoblasts, and osteoclasts. Insulin stimulates osteoblasts to produce more osteocalcin, which in turn activates osteoclasts, leading to the release of undercarboxylated osteocalcin. This insulin-bone loop contributes to glucose regulation and helps maintain balanced blood glucose levels.

7. Implications for Diabetes Management

The ongoing research into the regulatory role of osteocalcin in blood sugar has immense potential for diabetes management. Scientists are working on modified human osteocalcin that can remain stable in the bloodstream, providing a new therapeutic approach for type 2 diabetes. By harnessing the specialized function of this bone hormone, researchers aim to develop groundbreaking treatments that target blood glucose regulation.

 8. Future Perspectives and Promising Research

Scientists, including Prof. Mathieu Ferron from the Montreal Clinical Research Unit, are optimistic about the future implications of osteocalcin research. They have observed the insulin receptor on osteoblasts and its role in regulating whole-body glucose levels. Studies have shown that higher levels of osteocalcin are associated with lower glucose levels, while lower osteocalcin is linked to a higher risk of diabetes. Ongoing research aims to deepen our understanding of the adipose-bone and pancreas axis and its implications for individuals with obesity and diabetes.


The recognition of bones as endocrine organs and the discovery of the insulin-bone pathway have revolutionized our understanding of glucose metabolism and the management of type 2 diabetes. Osteocalcin, a bone-secreted hormone, plays a pivotal role in insulin secretion, glucose absorption, and maintaining balanced blood glucose levels. Ongoing research offers promising avenues for developing novel therapies for diabetes that leverage the bone’s unique properties. Exciting times lie ahead as scientists continue to explore the multifaceted role of bones in our overall health and well-being.



 1. Can bones actually influence glucose metabolism?

Yes, recent research has shown that bones play a vital role in glucose metabolism. Osteocalcin, a hormone secreted by bones, interacts with the pancreas, favoring insulin secretion and glucose absorption.

 2. How do bones communicate with other organs?

Bones communicate with other organs through the secretion of osteocalcin during bone remodeling. This hormone interacts with pancreatic cells, influencing insulin secretion and glucose homeostasis.

 3. What is the significance of osteocalcin in diabetes management?

Osteocalcin has the potential to revolutionize diabetes management. By understanding and enhancing the insulin-bone pathway, researchers aim to develop new therapeutic approaches for type 2 diabetes.

 4. Are there any other functions of osteocalcin beyond glucose metabolism?

Yes, osteocalcin is involved in various physiological functions, including energy expenditure, aging, and cognitive abilities. Ongoing research continues to uncover the diverse roles of this remarkable bone hormone.

 5. How can the research on osteocalcin benefit individuals with diabetes?

The ongoing research aims to develop modified human osteocalcin that can remain stable in the bloodstream. This could pave the way for innovative treatments targeting blood glucose regulation and improving diabetes management.


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